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CTI on the Same Page (CTI01)
About CTI
CTI on the Same Page (CTI01)
CTI's One Page Strategic Business Plan
1% Better Box
About CTI
1% Better Box
A place to submit suggestions to make CTI a better place / 1% Better. Users have the option to submit their suggestions anonymously but those who choose to not remain anonymous may receive an email back. Please help us become 1% better.
2023 CTI Financial Update
About CTI
2023 CTI Financial Update
Chief Financial Officer Dan Bunyard's "Financial Update" presentation from the 2023 National Sales Meeting. This course will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
CTI Dress Code Policy 
About CTI
CTI Dress Code Policy 
The most important aspect of our business is ensuring customer satisfaction. Whether your job involves direct customer contact or not, you represent CTI through appearance and actions. Proper attire creates a favorable image for CTI, the public,...
CTI Key Performance Indicators
About CTI
CTI Key Performance Indicators
Unified Goals to Align the Company for focused accountability and values. To achieve success, our teams must be working toward the same goals, together. No department at Conference Technologies, Inc. stands alone, which means we all have to know...
CTI on the Same Page (6/23)
About CTI
CTI on the Same Page (6/23)
CTI's one page strategic business plan. This version is from 2023 InfoComm in Orlando, Florida.
CTI-U Store
About CTI
CTI-U Store
As you begin shopping, please keep in the find the following policies:
  • Orders will be processed on the 15th of the month or the closest Monday after.
  • You may only order 3 items total per order cycle.
  • You may only order one of any item per...
How to Conduct a Huddle Meeting
About CTI
How to Conduct a Huddle Meeting
Huddle meetings are held to give brief updates, report status on projects, and clear roadblocks.
Intro to LEAN
About CTI
Intro to LEAN
Lean thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new way to think about how to organize human activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to individuals while eliminating waste.
Leading a Diverse Workforce
About CTI
Leading a Diverse Workforce
Welcome to the “Leading a Diverse Workforce” video lesson intended to show the necessity of successful leadership for a diverse workforce and how to accomplish it. This lesson explains the many traits that contribute to diversity as well as...

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